Kimberly Roush holds people BIG! She is dedicated to inspiring and empowering people to tap into their most valuable talents and gifts that allow their unique magnificence to emerge
She is a member of the National Speakers Association, the Forbes Coaches Council and The International Coach Federation.
Now a sought-after keynote speaker, facilitator and executive coach, Kimberly’s certifications include: Professional Certified Coach, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Certified Positive Psychology and Well-being Coach, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Click Here for more about Kimberly from
Get ready to be inspired!
All keynotes are tailored based on your audience needs, let's design yours!
Signature Keynote:
Who Are You ... When You Are Big?
This keynote speech will inspire your leaders/organization to play BIG. No more playing small! BIG isn’t about ego, title or money. It’s about who you are when you are in your most resourceful state.
Click here for a radio interview with Kimberly about Who Are You...When You Are Big?
All-Star Leadership
Personal Branding – A Marketing 101 Approach
Work-Life Balance and Well-Being
NetPLAYing – Taking the ‘Work’ Out of Networking
Playing with Perspectives – Upping Your Game in Emotional Intelligence and Influence
Playing with Conflict
Playing with Emotions
Ethics and Integrity – The Spectrum of Right

Let’s Get Your Game On!
Are you ready to go from GOOD to GREAT?
What is success, anyway? Title? Money? Achievement? You’ve worked hard your entire career to get here – now what? How do you keep it up? When does the pressure for more stop? Where do you go from here? When does the fun start? Is more success just more money?
Higher titles?
At All-Star Executive Coaching we believe, professional excellence, fun and fulfillment are the triple play of real success for executives.
5 Ways to Make Stress Productive
Are You Too Busy To Be Less Busy?
Help Them See vs. Hope They See
Click Here for more articles

Are You Experiencing Identity Theft?
You’ve lost your job, your title, your paycheck and are left wondering who you are and where you go from here? Back to the same old, same old – or maybe on to something new?
Welcome to your career coffee break! We want transition to be a positive experience for you! Your best is yet to come.
Why Use a Coach During Transition?
Your potential future income stream is likely your largest single life asset. An investment in YOU will pay dividend for years to come. This is not a time to go into scarcity mode. Coaching will not only likely help you land faster, it will help ensure you find the right job not just your next job. Both help create an immediate return on investment often paying for the coaching in a matter of weeks.
Perhaps the best way to describe our Corporate Facilitation and Retreats is to give you some case studies. Click Here to read about our programs that have been tailored and designed to meet our client’s needs.

Ruth Brajevich
Vice President - Strategic Initiatives International design firmware Malcomb
We had Kimberly as a keynote speaker for "Who are you … When you are Big." Her dynamic presentation was both inspiring and engaging, challenging our team members to think “bigger” about their roles as leaders.
I strongly recommend her as a keynote speaker.

Mark Miller
MD/MBA - Chief Medical Officer
The Polyclinic
Given her combination of expertise, energy, good humor, and being able to read a room, I’ve seen how Kimberly can capture and keep an audience...engaging Kimberly was a wise investment that continues to reap returns

Allyn Lean
The Glenn Allyn Group
Kimberly has the innate ability to bring out the best in you and build on existing personality traits and skill sets to enhance marketability and provide tools that differentiate and define leadership style.